Nested Ampersand Notation

Nested Ampersand Notation (N&N) is the third part of Ampersand Notation.


Define an ampersand-structure as an expression of the form &@x, where @ is any sequence of ampersand-structures, and x is a non-negative integer. x is optional and may be removed.

A valid expression in N&N is of the form a[@b], where @ is any sequence of ampersand structures, and a and b are non-negative integers. b is optional and may be removed. N&N outputs a non-negative integer for every valid expression, determined using this set of rules:

  1. a[] = aa
  2. a[@0]= a[@]
  3. b > 0: a[@b]= a[@b - 1][@b - 1]...[@b - 1][@b - 1], with a copies of "[@b - 1]"

In the above definition, the string S(x) for a non-negative integer x is defined as follows:

  1. S(0) = ø (empty string)
  2. x > 0: S(x) = &S(x - 1)

For example, S(1) = &, S(2) = &&, and S(3) = &&&.

Note: ø@ where @ is an ampersand-structure sequence is simply @.


= 2[&&][&&]
= 2[&2][&&]
= 2[&1][&1][&&]
= 2[&0][&0][&1][&&]
= 2[&][&][&1][&&]
= 2[2][&][&1][&&]
= 2[1][1][&][&1][&&]
= ...


Below is a comparison of expressions in this notation with the fast-growing hierarchy, using the Wainer hierarchy for fundamental sequences.

Here, a is a non-negative integer. All inequalities presented only hold true for sufficiently large a, rather than any a.