- Negative Large Number Garden Number = -f10(10 ↑10 10)
- Negative Fish number 7 = -F763(10100)
- Negative Rayo's number = -Rayo(10100)
- Negative billionth infinite-time busy beaver = -Σ∞(1,000,000,000)
- -Ξ(1,000,000)
- Negative Fish number 4 = -F463(3)
- Negative 1919th busy beaver = -Σ(1919)
- Negative Yudkowsky's number
- Negative least transcendental integer
- Negative Y sequence number = -f2000(1)
- -6 (N primitive)
- Negative Bashicu matrix number with respect to Bashicu matrix system version 2.3
- Negative Loader's number = -D5(99)
- Negative Tarintar = -TarTar(Tar)
- Negative Quettintar = -Tar1030(Tar)
- Negative Ronnintar = -Tar1027(Tar)
- Negative Yottintar = -Tar1024(Tar)
- Negative Zettintar = -Tar1021(Tar)
- Negative Exintar = -Tar1018(Tar)
- Negative Petintar = -Tar1015(Tar)
- Negative Terintar = -Tar1,000,000,000,000(Tar)
- Negative Gigintar = -Tar1,000,000,000(Tar)
- Negative Megintar = -Tar1,000,000(Tar)
- Negative Kilintar = -Tar1000(Tar)
- Negative Hektintar = -Tar100(Tar)
- Negative Dekintar = -Tar10(Tar)
- Negative Nonintar = -Tar9(Tar)
- Negative Octintar = -Tar8(Tar)
- Negative Septintar = -Tar7(Tar)
- Negative Sextintar = -Tar6(Tar)
- Negative Quintintar = -Tar5(Tar)
- Negative Quadrintar = -Tar4(Tar)
- Negative Trintar = -Tar(Tar(Tar(Tar)))
- Negative Bintar = -Tar(Tar(Dekotar))
- Negative Unintar = -Tar(Tar)
- Negative Kiloquettotar = -Tar(1033)
- Negative Quettotar = -Tar(1030)
- Negative Ronnotar = -Tar(1027)
- Negative Yottotar = -Tar(1024)
- Negative Zettotar = -Tar(1021)
- Negative Exotar = -Tar(1018)
- Negative Petotar = -Tar(1015)
- Negative Terotar = -Tar(1,000,000,000,000)
- Negative Gigotar = -Tar(1,000,000,000)
- Negative Megotar = -Tar(1,000,000)
- Negative Kilotar = -Tar(1000)
- Negative Hektotar = -Tar(100)
- Negative Dekotar = -Tar(10)
- Negative Nonitar = -Tar(9)
- Negative Octitar = -Tar(8)
- Negative Septitar = -Tar(7)
- Negative Sextitar = -Tar(6)
- Negative Quintitar = -Tar(5)
- Negative Quadritar = -Tar(4)
- Negative Tritar = -Tar(3)
- Negative グラハム数ver ε.0.1.0 = -G64(4)
- Negative Kumakuma 3 variables ψ number = -F10100(10100)
- Negative Quettinamus = -fψ(M(M(...M(0;0)...);0);0))(10) with 1030 + 1 M's
- Negative Ronninamus = -fψ(M(M(...M(0;0)...);0);0))(10) with 1027 + 1 M's
- Negative Yottinamus = -fψ(M(M(...M(0;0)...);0);0))(10) with 1024 + 1 M's
- Negative Zettinamus = -fψ(M(M(...M(0;0)...);0);0))(10) with 1021 + 1 M's
- Negative Uninamus = -fψ(M(M(0;0);0))(10)
- Negative Quettinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with
1030 + 1 M's
- Negative Ronninemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with
1027 + 1 M's
- Negative Yottinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with
1024 + 1 M's
- Negative Zettinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with
1021 + 1 M's
- Negative Exinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with 1018
+ 1 M's
- Negative Petinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with
1015 + 1 M's
- Negative Terinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with
1,000,000,000,001 M's
- Negative Giginemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with 1,000,000,001
- Negative Meginemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with 1,000,001 M's
- Negative Kilinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with 1001 M's
- Negative Sextinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with 7 M's
- Negative Quintinemar = -fψ(MM...M)(10) with 6 M's
- Negative Quadrinemar = -fψ(MMMMM)(10)
- Negative Trinemar = -fψ(MMMM)(10)
- Negative Uninemar = -fψ(MM)(10)
- Negative Quettotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1030)(10)
- Negative Ronnotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1027)(10)
- Negative Yottotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1024)(10)
- Negative Zettotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1021)(10)
- Negative Exotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1018)(10)
- Negative Petotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1015)(10)
- Negative Terotetremar = -fψ(M↑↑1,000,000,000,000)(10)
- Negative Sextitetremar = -fψ(M↑↑6)(10)
- Negative Tritetremar = -fψ(MM)(10)
- Negative Quettinimah = -fψ(I(I(...I(0,0)...),0),0))(10) with 1030 + 1 M's
- Negative Ronninimah = -fψ(I(I(...I(0,0)...),0),0))(10) with 1027 + 1 M's
- Negative Yottinimah = -fψ(I(I(...I(0,0)...),0),0))(10) with 1024 + 1 M's
- Negative Zettinimah = -fψ(I(I(...I(0,0)...),0),0))(10) with 1021 + 1 M's
- Negative Terinimah = -fψ(I(I(...I(0,0)...),0),0))(10) with 1,000,000,000,001 M's
- Negative Trinimah = -fψ(I(I(I(I(0,0),0),0),0))(10)
- Negative Uninimah = -fψ(I(I(0,0),0))(10)
- Negative Quettimah = -fψ(I(1030,0))(10)
- Negative Ronnimah = -fψ(I(1027,0))(10)
- Negative Yottimah = -fψ(I(1024,0))(10)
- Negative Zettimah = -fψ(I(1021,0))(10)
- Negative Eximah = -fψ(I(1018,0))(10)
- Negative Petimah = -fψ(I(1015,0))(10)
- Negative Terimah = -fψ(I(1,000,000,000,000,0))(10)
- Negative Gigimah = -fψ(I(1,000,000,000,0))(10)
- Negative Megimah = -fψ(I(1,000,000,0))(10)
- Negative Kilimah = -fψ(I(1000,0))(10)
- Negative Hektimah = -fψ(I(100,0))(10)
- Negative Dekimah = -fψ(I(10,0))(10)
- Negative Nonimah = -fψ(I(9,0))(10)
- Negative Octimah = -fψ(I(8,0))(10)
- Negative Septimah = -fψ(I(7,0))(10)
- Negative Sextimah = -fψ(I(6,0))(10)
- Negative Quintimah = -fψ(I(5,0))(10)
- Negative Quadrimah = -fψ(I(4,0))(10)
- Negative Trimah = -fψ(I(3,0))(10)
- Negative Quettinotos = -fψ(II...I)(10) with
1030+1 I's
- Negative Ronninotos = -fψ(II...I)(10) with
1027+1 I's
- Negative Yottinotos = -fψ(II...I)(10) with
1024+1 I's
- Negative Zettinotos = -fψ(II...I)(10) with
1021+1 I's
- Negative Dekinotos = -fψ(II...I)(10) with
11 I's
- Negative Bimah = -fψ(I(2,0))(10)
- Negative Sextinotos = -fψ(II...I)(10) with
7 I's
- Negative Trinotos = -fψ(IIII)(10)
- Negative Binotos = -fψ(III)(10)
- Negative Uninotos = -fψ(II)(10)
- Negative Quettotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1030)(10)
- Negative Ronnotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1027)(10)
- Negative Yottotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1024)(10)
- Negative Zettotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1021)(10)
- Negative Exotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1018)(10)
- Negative Petotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1015)(10)
- Negative Terotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1,000,000,000,000)(10)
- Negative Gigotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1,000,000,000)(10)
- Negative Megotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1,000,000)(10)
- Negative Kilotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑1000)(10)
- Negative Hektotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑100)(10)
- Negative Dekotetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑10)(10)
- Negative Nonitetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑9)(10)
- Negative Octitetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑8)(10)
- Negative Septitetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑7)(10)
- Negative Sextitetrotos = -fψ(I↑↑6)(10)
- Negative Quintitetrotos = -fψ(IIIII)(10)
- Negative Quadritetrotos = -fψ(IIII)(10)
- Negative Tritetrotos = -fψ(III)(10)
- Negative Bitetrotos = -fψ(II)(10)
- Negative Unimah = -fψ(I)(10)
- Negative Quettinomwill =
-fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10) with 1030
- Negative Ronninomwill =
-fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10) with 1027
- Negative Yottinomwill =
-fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10) with 1024
- Negative Zettinomwill =
-fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10) with 1021
- Negative Exinomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 1018 Ω's
- Negative Petinomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 1015 Ω's
- Negative Terinomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 1,000,000,000,000 Ω's
- Negative Giginomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 1,000,000,000 Ω's
- Negative Meginomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 1,000,000 Ω's
- Negative Kilinomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 1000 Ω's
- Negative Hektinomwill =
-fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10) with 100 Ω's
- Negative Dekinomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 10 Ω's
- Negative Noninomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 9 Ω's
- Negative Octinomwill = -fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10)
with 8 Ω's
- Negative Septinomwill =
-fψ(ΩΩ...Ω)(10) with 7 Ω's
- Negative Sextinomwill =
- Negative Quintinomwill =
- Negative Quadrinomwill =
- Negative Nucleaquaxul = -200![[[[200200]200]200]200]
- Negative Trinommwil = -fΩΩΩ(10)
- Negative Nucleatrixul = -200![[[200200]200]200]
- Negative Quettomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1030 Ω's
- Negative Ronnomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1027 Ω's
- Negative Yottomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1024 Ω's
- Negative Zettomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1021 Ω's
- Negative Exomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1018 Ω's
- Negative Petomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1015 Ω's
- Negative Teromixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1,000,000,000,000 Ω's
- Negative Gigomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1,000,000,000 Ω's
- Negative Megomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1,000,000 Ω's
- Negative Kilomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
1000 Ω's
- Negative Hektomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
100 Ω's
- Negative Great HUS = -(S(S( ... (S(U(U(U( ... (U(H(H(H( ... (H(3))) ... ))) with the HUS number of S's,
the HUS number of U's, and the HUS number of H's
- Negative Grand HUS = -S(S(S(U(U(U(H(H(H(3)))))))))
- Negative HUS = -S(U(H(3)))
- Negative Binommwil = -fψ(ΩΩ)(10)
- Negative Dekomixommwil =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
10 Ω's
- Negative Nonimixomwill =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
9 Ω's
- Negative Octimixomwill =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
8 Ω's
- Negative Septimixomwill =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
7 Ω's
- Negative Sextimixomwill =
-fψ(Ωψ(Ω...ψ(Ω)...))(10) with
6 Ω's
- Negative Quintimixomwill =
- Negative Quadrimixomwill =
- Negative Trimixomwill =
- Negative Bimixomwill =
- Negative Absolutely Godly Ultimate Omega Mega Super Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 \ 3, 3} 3] 3
- Negative Big Chunk = -{10,100 [1 [1 [1 \2,2 3] 2] 2] 2}
- Negative 段階配列数 ≈ -fψ(Ωω)+1(100)
- Negative Pair sequence number ≈ -fψ(Ωω)+1(10)
- Negative Quettommthet = -fθ(Ω1030,0)(10)
- Negative Ronnommthet = -fθ(Ω1027,0)(10)
- Negative Yottommthet = -fθ(Ω1024,0)(10)
- Negative Zettommthet = -fθ(Ω1021,0)(10)
- Negative Exommthet = -fθ(Ω1018,0)(10)
- Negative Petommthet = -fθ(Ω1015,0)(10)
- Negative Terommthet = -fθ(Ω1,000,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Gigommthet = -fθ(Ω1,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Megommthet = -fθ(Ω1,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Kilommthet = -fθ(Ω1000,0)(10)
- Negative Meeting point of the three hierarchies = -fθ(Ωω)(10)
- Negative Hektommthet = -fθ(Ω100,0)(10)
- -SCG(13) (lower bound) ≈ -fθ(Ωω)(13)
- Negative Dekommthet = -fθ(Ω10,0)(10)
- Negative Nonommthet = -fθ(Ω9,0)(10)
- Negative Octommthet = -fθ(Ω8,0)(10)
- Negative Septommthet = -fθ(Ω7,0)(10)
- Negative Sextommthet = -fθ(Ω6,0)(10)
- Negative Quintommthet = -fθ(Ω5,0)(10)
- Negative Quadrommthet = -fθ(Ω4,0)(10)
- Negative Godly Ultimate Omega Mega Super Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 <<<3 <<<3
/// 3>>> 3>>> 3} 3] 3
- Negative Ultimate Omega Mega Super Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 /// 3} 3] 3
- Negative Trommthet = -fθ(Ω3,0)(10)
- Negative Gigantiquaxul = -200![1(1)[3200,200,200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Gigantitrixul = -200![1(1)[3200,200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Gigantitbixul = -200![1(1)[3200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Bommthet = -fθ(Ω2,0)(10)
- Negative Extremequaxul = -200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Extremetrixul = -200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Kiloextremebixul =
- Negative Extremebixul = -200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Omega Mega Super Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 // 3} 3] 3
- Negative Quettotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1030,0)(10)
- Negative Ronnotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1027,0)(10)
- Negative Yottotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1024,0)(10)
- Negative Zettotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1021,0)(10)
- Negative Exotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1018,0)(10)
- Negative Petotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1015,0)(10)
- Negative Terotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1,000,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Gigotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Megotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Kilotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1000,0)(10)
- Negative Kilotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑1000,0)(10)
- Negative Quintgrand Extremexul
- Negative Quadgrand Extremexul
- Negative Trigrand Megaextremexul
- Negative Trigrand Kiloextremexul
- Negative Trigrand Extremexul
- Negative Bigrand Megaextremexul
- Negative Bigrand Kiloextremexul
- Negative Bigrand Extremexul =
- Negative Grand Exaextremexul = -
- Negative Grand Petaextremexul =
- Negative Grand Tereaxtremexul =
- Negative Grand Gigaextremexul =
- Negative Grand Megaextremexul =
- Negative Grand Kiloextremexul =
- Negative Grand Extremexul =
- Negative Exaextremexul = -200(![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]])7
- Negative Petaextremexul = -200(![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]])6
- Negative Teraextremexul = -200(![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]])5
- Negative Gigaextremexul = -200(![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]])4
- Negative Megaextremexul =
- Negative Kiloextremexul = -(200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]])![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]]
- Negative Extremedollaxul = -200$[0]3]
- Negative Extremexul = -200$[0]
- Negative Hektotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑100,0)(10)
- Negative Dekotetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑10,0)(10)
- Negative Nonitetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑9,0)(10)
- Negative Octitetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑8,0)(10)
- Negative Septitetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑7,0)(10)
- Negative Sextitetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑6,0)(10)
- Negative Quintitetrommthet = -fθ(Ω↑↑5,0)(10)
- Negative Quadritetrommthet =
- Negative Tritetrommthet =
- Negative Mega Super Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 <3 / 3 / 3> 3} 3] 3
- Negative Bitetrommthet =
- Negative Bigreat Bigrand Destruquaxul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Megadestruquaxul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Kilodestruquaxul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Destruquaxul
- Negative Bigreat Megadestruquaxul =
- Negative Bigreat Kilodestruquaxul =
- Negative Bigreat Destruquaxul =
- Negative Great Bigrand Destruquaxul
- Negative Great Grand Megadestruquaxul
- Negative Great Grand Kilodestruquaxul
- Negative Great Grand Destruquaxul
- Negative Great Megadestruquaxul =
- Negative Great Kilodestruquaxul =
- Negative Great Destruquaxul =
- Negative Trigrand Destruquaxul
- Negative Bigrand Destruquaxul
- Negative Grand Gigadestruquaxul
- Negative Grand Megadestruquaxul
- Negative Grand Kilodestruquaxul
- Negative Grand Destruquaxul =
- Negative Gigadestruquaxul = -200(![200([200([200([200(200)200])200])200])200])4
- Negative Megadestruquaxul = -200(![200([200([200([200(200)200])200])200])200])3
- Negative Kilodestruquaxul = -200(![200([200([200([200(200)200])200])200])200])2
- Negative Destruquaxul = -200![200([200([200([200(200)200])200])200])200]
- Negative Bigreat Bigrand Destrutrixul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Megadestrutrixul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Kilodestrutrixul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Destrutrixul
- Negative Bigreat Megadestrutrixul =
- Negative Bigreat Kilodestrutrixul =
- Negative Bigreat Destrutrixul =
- Negative Great Bigrand Destrutrixul
- Negative Great Grand Megadestrutrixul
- Negative Great Grand Kilodestrutrixul
- Negative Great Grand Destrutrixul
- Negative Great Megadestrutrixul =
- Negative Great Kilodestrutrixul =
- Negative Great Destrutrixul = -200![200([200([200(200)200(200)200])200(200)200])200(200)200]
- Negative Trigrand Destrutrixul
- Negative Bigrand Destrutrixul
- Negative Grand Gigadestrutrixul =
- Negative Grand Megadestrutrixul =
- Negative Grand Kilodestrutrixul =
- Negative Grand Destrutrixul =
- Negative Gigadestrutrixul = -200(![200([200([200(200)200])200])200])4
- Negative Megadestrutrixul = -200(![200([200([200(200)200])200])200])3
- Negative Kilodestrutrixul = -200(![200([200([200(200)200])200])200])2
- Negative Destrutrixul = -200![200([200([200(200)200])200])200]
- Negative Bigreat Bigrand Destrubixul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Kilodestrubixul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Destrubixul
- Negative Bigreat Megadestrubixul =
- Negative Bigreat Kilodestrubixul =
- Negative Bigreat Destrubixul = -200![200([200(200)200(200)200(200)200])200(200)200(200)200]
- Negative Great Bigrand Destrubixul
- Negative Great Grand Megadestrubixul
- Negative Great Grand Kilodestrubixul
- Negative Great Grand Destrubixul
- Negative Great Megadestrubixul
- Negative Great Kilodestrubixul = -200(![200([200(200)200(200)200])200(200)200])2
- Negative Great Destrubixul = -200![200([200(200)200(200)200])200(200)200]
- Negative Trigrand Destrubixul
- Negative Bigrand Destrubixul =
- Negative Grand Gigadestrubixul =
- Negative Grand Megadestrubixul =
- Negative Grand Kilodestrubixul =
- Negative Grand Destrubixul = -200(![200([200(200)200])200])200![200([200(200)200])200]+1
- Negative Gigadestrubixul = -200(![200([200(200)200])200])4
- Negative Kilodestrubixul = -(200![200([200(200)200])200])![200([200(200)200])200]
- Negative Destrubixul = -200![200([200(200)200])200]
- -TREE(3) (lower bound)
- Negative Bird's number = -XX(N)(N)
- Negative Quettexommthet = -fθ(Ω1030,0)(10)
- Negative Ronnexommthet = -fθ(Ω1027,0)(10)
- Negative Yottexommthet = -fθ(Ω1024,0)(10)
- Negative Zettexommthet = -fθ(Ω1021,0)(10)
- Negative Exexommthet = -fθ(Ω1018,0)(10)
- Negative Petexommthet = -fθ(Ω1015,0)(10)
- Negative Terexommthet = -fθ(Ω1,000,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Gigexommthet = -fθ(Ω1,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Megexommthet = -fθ(Ω1,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Kilexommthet = -fθ(Ω1000,0)(10)
- Negative Bigreat Trigrand Destruxul
- Negative Bigreat Bigrand Destruxul
- Negative Bigreat Grand Gigadestruxul =
- Negative Bigreat Grand Megadestruxul =
- Negative Bigreat Grand Kilodestruxul =
- Negative Bigreat Grand Destruxul =
- Negative Bigreat Gigadestruxul =
- Negative Bigreat Megadestruxul =
- Negative Bigreat Kilodestruxul = -(200![200(200)200(200)200(200)200])![200(200)200(200)200(200)200]
- Negative Bigreat Destruxul = -200![200(200)200(200)200(200)200]
- Negative Great Trigrand Destruxul
- Negative Great Bigrand Destruxul =
- Negative Great Grand Gigadestruxul =
- Negative Great Grand Megadestruxul =
- Negative Great Grand Kilodestruxul =
- Negative Great Grand Destruxul = -200(![200(200)200(200)200])200![200(200)200(200)200]+1
- Negative Great Gigadestruxul =
- Negative Great Megadestruxul =
- Negative Great Kilodestruxul = -(200![200(200)200(200)200])![200(200)200(200)200]
- Negative Great Destruxul = -200![200(200)200(200)200]
- Negative Quintgrand Destruxul
- Negative Quadgrand Destruxul
- Negative Trigrand Kilodestruxul
- Negative Trigrand Destruxul =
- Negative Bigrand Megadestruxul =
- Negative Bigrand Kilodestruxul =
- Negative Bigrand Destruxul =
- Negative Grand Exadestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])200(![200(200)200])7+1
- Negative Grand Petadestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])200(![200(200)200])6+1
- Negative Grand Teradestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])200(![200(200)200])5+1
- Negative Grand Gigadestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])200(![200(200)200])4+1
- Negative Grand Megadestruxul =
- Negative Grand Kilodestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])(200![200(200)200])![200(200)200]+1
- Negative Grand Destruxul = -200(![200(200)200])200![200(200)200]+1
- Negative Exadestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])7
- Negative Petadestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])6
- Negative Teradestruxul = -200(![200(200)200])5
- Negative Gigadestruxul = -(((200![200(200)200])![200(200)200])![200(200)200])![200(200)200]
- Negative Megadestruxul = -((200![200(200)200])![200(200)200])![200(200)200]
- Negative Kilodestruxul = -(200![200(200)200])![200(200)200]
- Negative Destruxul = -200![200(200)200]
- Negative Hektexommthet = -fθ(Ω100,0)(10)
- Negative Dekexommthet = -fθ(Ω10,0)(10)
- Negative Nonexommthet = -fθ(Ω9,0)(10)
- Negative Octexommthet = -fθ(Ω8,0)(10)
- Negative Septexommthet = -fθ(Ω7,0)(10)
- Negative Sextexommthet = -fθ(Ω6,0)(10)
- Negative Quintexommthet = -fθ(Ω5,0)(10)
- Negative Quadrexommthet = -fθ(Ω4,0)(10)
- Negative Trexommthet = -θ(Ω3,0)(10)
- Negative Super Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 <3 / 3> 3} 3] 3
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Enormaquaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megaenormaquaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kiloenormaquaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Enormaquaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megaenormaquaxul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200,200])3
- Negative Bisuperior Kiloenormaquaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Enormaquaxul = -200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Superior Bigrand Enormaquaxul
- Negative Superior Grand Megaenormaquaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kiloenormaquaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Enormaquaxul =
- Negative Superior Megaenormaquaxul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200])3
- Negative Superior Kiloenormaquaxul =
- Negative Superior Enormaquaxul = -200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200]
- Negative Trigrand Enormaquaxul
- Negative Bigrand Enormaquaxul
- Negative Grand Gigaenormaquaxul =
- Negative Grand Megaenormaquaxul =
- Negative Grand Kiloenormaquaxul =
- Negative Grand Enormaquaxul =
- Negative Gigaenormaquaxul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200])4
- Negative Megaenormaquaxul =
- Negative Kiloenormaquaxul = -(200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200])![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Enormaquaxul = -200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Enormatrixul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megaenormatrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kiloenormatrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Enormatrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megaenormatrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Kiloenormatrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Enormatrixul = -200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Superior Bigrand Enormatrixul
- Negative Superior Grand Megaenormatrixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kiloenormatrixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Enormatrixul =
- Negative Superior Megaenormatrixul =
- Negative Superior Kiloenormatrixul = -(200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200])![200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200]
- Negative Superior Enormatrixul = -200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200,200]
- Negative Trigrand Enormatrixul
- Negative Bigrand Enormatrixul =
- Negative Grand Gigaenormatrixul =
- Negative Grand Megaenormatrixul =
- Negative Grand Kiloenormatrixul =
- Negative Grand Enormatrixul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200(2)200])200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200]+1
- Negative Gigaenormatrixul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200(2)200])4
- Negative Megaenormatrixul =
- Negative Kiloenormatrixul = -(200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200])![200(2)200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Enormatrixul = -200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Enormabixul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megaenormabixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kiloenormabixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Enormabixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megaenormabixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Kiloenormabixul = -(200![200(2)200(2)200,200,200])![200(2)200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Bisuperior Enormabixul = -200![200(2)200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Superior Bigrand Enormabixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Megaenormabixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kiloenormabixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Enormabixul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200,200])200![200(2)200(2)200,200]+1
- Negative Superior Megaenormabixul =
- Negative Superior Kiloenormabixul = -(200![200(2)200(2)200,200])![200(2)200(2)200,200]
- Negative Superior Enormabixul = -200![200(2)200(2)200,200]
- Negative Trigrand Enormabixul
- Negative Bigrand Enormabixul =
- Negative Grand Gigaenormabixul =
- Negative Grand Megaenormabixul =
- Negative Grand Kiloenormabixul =
- Negative Grand Enormabixul = -200(![200(2)200(2)200])200![200(2)200(2)200]+1
- Negative Gigaenormabixul =
- Negative Megaenormabixul = -((200![200(2)200(2)200])![200(2)200(2)200])![200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Kiloenormabixul = -(200![200(2)200(2)200])![200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Enormabixul = -200![200(2)200(2)200]
- Negative Agoraphobia = -E100&(&(&(...(&(&({#,#,1,2})))...))) with 100 &'s ~ E100#*^#100
- Negative Ludicriss = -E100&(1)100
- Negative Bisuperior Trigrand Enormaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Enormaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Gigaenormaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megaenormaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kiloenormaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Enormaxul = -200(![200(2)200,200,200])200![200(2)200,200,200]+1
- Negative Bisuperior Gigaenormaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megaenormaxul = -((200![200(2)200,200,200])![200(2)200,200,200])![200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Bisuperior Kiloenormaxul = -(200![200(2)200,200,200])![200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Bisuperior Enormaxul = -200![200(2)200,200,200]
- Negative Superior Trigrand Enormaxul =
- Negative Superior Bigrand Enormaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Gigaenormaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Megaenormaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kiloenormaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Enormaxul = -200(![200(2)200,200])200![200(2)200,200]+1
- Negative Superior Gigaenormaxul =
- Negative Superior Megaenormaxul = -((200![200(2)200,200])![200(2)200,200])![200(2)200,200]
- Negative Superior Kiloenormaxul = -(200![200(2)200,200])![200(2)200,200]
- Negative Superior Enormaxul = -200![200(2)200,200]
- Negative Quintgrand Enormaxul
- Negative Quadgrand Enormaxul =
- Negative Trigrand Megaenormaxul =
- Negative Trigrand Kiloenormaxul =
- Negative Trigrand Enormaxul =
- Negative Bigrand Megaenormaxul =
- Negative Bigrand Kiloenormaxul =
- Negative Bigrand Enormaxul =
- Negative Grand Exaenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])200(![200(2)200])7+1
- Negative Grand Petaenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])200(![200(2)200])6+1
- Negative Grand Teraenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])200(![200(2)200])5+1
- Negative Grand Gigaenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])200(![200(2)200])4+1
- Negative Grand Megaenormaxul =
- Negative Grand Kiloenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])(200![200(2)200])![200(2)200]+1
- Negative Grand Enormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])200![200(2)200]+1
- Negative Exaenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])7
- Negative Petaenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])6
- Negative Teraenormaxul = -200(![200(2)200])5
- Negative Gigaenormaxul = -(((200![200(2)200])![200(2)200])![200(2)200])![200(2)200]
- Negative Megaenormaxul = -((200![200(2)200])![200(2)200])![200(2)200]
- Negative Kiloenormaxul = -(200![200(2)200])![200(2)200]
- Negative Enormaxul = -200![200(2)200]
- Negative Hundrelasphemorgue = -E100{#,#+1,1,2}100
- Negative Tweilasphemorgue = -E100{{#,#,1,2},100,1,2}100
- Negative Blasphemormygosh-blasphemormygosh = -E100({#,#,1,2}){{#,#,1,2}}({#,#,1,2})100
- Negative Horrendous blasphemorgulus = -E100({#,#,1,2})^^^^#100
- Negative Horrible blasphemorgulus = -E100({#,#,1,2})^^^#100
- Negative Terrible blasphemorgulus = -E100({#,#,1,2})^^#100
- Negative Blasphemorgulfact = -E100({#,#,1,2})^#100
- Negative Deutero-blasphemorgulus = -E100{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}100
- Negative Blasphemorgulus-by-hyperion = -E100{#,#,1,2}*#100
- Negative Blasphemorgulus-by-deuteron = -E100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100
- Negative Greagol-carta-blasphemorgulus = -E100{#,#,1,2}100#100#100
- Negative Grangol-carta-blasphemorgulus = -E100{#,#,1,2}100#100
- Negative Grand grand blasphemorgulus = -E100{#,#,1,2}100#3
- Negative Grand blasphemorgulus = -E100{#,#,1,2}100#2
- Negative Blasphemorgulus = -E100{#,#,1,2}100
- Negative Bexommthet = -fθ(Ω2,0)
- Negative Ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh / godsgodgul-centurion = -E100#{#{#}#}#100
- Negative Hexacthulhu-centurion = -E100#{#^^^^#}#100
- Negative Pentacthulhu-centurion = -E100#{#^^^#}#100
- Negative Super centurion = -E100#{#^^#}#100
- Negative centurion = -E100#{#^#}#100
- Negative Godsgoquadeus = -E100#{#+#+#+#}#100
- Negative Godsgotreus = -E100#{#+#+#}#100
- Neggative Godsgodeus = -E100#{#+#}#100
- Negative Godsgodarxitet = -E100#{#}#{#}#{#}#100
- Negative Godsgodarxitri = -E100#{#}#{#}#100
- Negative Godsgodgultope = -E100#{#}#^#100
- Negative Godsgodgulteron = -E100#{#}####100
- Negative Godsgodgulcubor = -E100#{#}###100
- Negative Godsgodgulcross = -E100#{#}##100
- Negative Dustaculated godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#>#{#}#100
- Negative Grand godsgodguliterator / great and blasphemous godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#>#100#2
- Negative Godsgodguliterator / godsgodgulus ba'al = -E100#{#}#>#100
- Negative Godsgotrigulus = -E100((#{#}#){#}#){#}#100
- Negative Godsgodeugulus = -E100(#{#}#){#}#100
- Negative Horrendous godsgodgulus = -E100(#{#}#)^^^^#100
- Negative Horrible godsgodgulus = -E100(#{#}#)^^^#100
- Negative Terrible godsgodgulus = -E100(#{#}#)^^#100
- Negative Dutetrated-godsgodgulus = -E100(#{#}#)^(#{#}#)100
- Negative Godsgodgulfact = -E100(#{#}#)^#100
- Negative Deutero-godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#*#{#}#100
- Negative Godsgodgulus-by-pentacthulhum = -E100#{#}#*#^^^#100
- Negative Godsgodgulus-by-hyperion = -E100#{#}#*#100
- Negative Godsgodgulus-by-teterton = -E100#{#}#100#{#}#100#{#}#100#{#}#100
- Negative Godsgodgulus-by-triton = -E100#{#}#100#{#}#100#{#}#100
- Negative Godsgodgulus-by-deuteron = -E100#{#}#100#{#}#100
- Negative Gigangol-carta-godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#100#100#100
- Negative Greagol-carta-godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#100#100
- Negative Grangol-carta-godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#100
- Negative Quadruple grand godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#5
- Negative Triple grand godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#4
- Negative Grand grand godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#3
- Negative Grand godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100#2
- Negative Colossigog = -E100#{#}#50,000,000,000,000,000 = E100#{50,000,000,000,000,000}#100
- Negative Popacthulhum = -E100#{#}#P = -E100#{P}#100 where P is the world population right now (decreases
throughout time)
- Negative Pesuligog = -E100#{#}#44435622 = -E100#{44435622}#100
- Negative Gigantorgog = -E100#{#}#500 = -E100#{500}#100
- Negative Joeligog = -E100#{#}#203 = -E100#{203}#100
- Negative Godsgodgulus = -E100#{#}#100 = -E100#{100}#100
- Negative Golligog = -E100#{50}#100 = -E100#{#}#50
- Negative Goliath = -E100#{10}#100 = -E100#{#}#10
- Negative Tridecatrix = -{10,10,10} & 10
- Negative Dekacthularxihect = -E100#{9}#100
- Negative Dekacthularxitet = -E100#{8}#{8}#{8}#100 = -E100#{9}#4
- Negative Dekacthularxitri / dekacthulto-dekacthulhum = -E100#{8}#{8}#100
- Negative Dekacthulcross = -E100#{8}##100
- Negative Deutero-dekacthulhum = -E100#{8}#*#{8}#100
- Negative Grand dekacthulhum, E100#{8}#100#2 = -E100#{8}#dekacthulhum
- Negative Ennacthularxichill = -E100#{8}#1000
- Negative Ennacthularxigigas = -E100#{8}#500
- Negative Dekacthulhum / ennacthularxihect = -E100#{8}#100
- Negative Ennacthularxitri = -E100#{7}#{7}#100
- Negative Ennacthultope = -E100#{7}#^#100
- Negative Ennacthulcubor = -E100#{7}###100
- Negative Ennacthulcross = -E100#{7}##100
- Negative Dustaculated ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#>#{7}#100
- Negative Grand ennacthuliterator / great and ennorredous ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#>#100#2
- Negative Ennacthuliterator / ennacthulhum ba'al = -E100#{7}#>#100
- Negative Horrendous ennacthulhum = -E100(#{7}#)^^^^#100
- Negative Horrible ennacthulhum = -E100(#{7}#)^^^#100
- Negative Terrible ennacthulhum = -E100(#{7}#)^^#100
- Negative Ennacthulhufact = -E100(#{7}#)^#100
- Negative Ennacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum / Ennacthulhum-by-deuteron = -E100#{7}#100#{7}#100
- Negative Ogdacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#100#{6}#100
- Negative Heptacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#100#{5}#100
- Negative Hexacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#100#^^^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#100#^^^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-carta-ennactulhum = -E100#{7}#100#^^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-carta-ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#100#^#100
- Negative Grangol-carta-ennacthulhum =-E100#{7}#100#100
- Negative Grand ennacthulhum = -E100#{7}#100#2
- Negative Ennacthulhum / ogdacthularxihect = -E100#{7}#100
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Hugequaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megahugequaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kilohugequaxul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Hugequaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megahugequaxul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200,200])3
- Negative Bisuperior Kilohugequaxul =
- Negative Bisuperior Hugequaxul = -200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Superior Bigrand Hugequaxul
- Negative Superior Grand Megahugequaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kilohugequaxul =
- Negative Superior Grand Hugequaxul =
- Negative Superior Megahugequaxul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200])3
- Negative Superior Kilohugequaxul =
- Negative Superior Hugequaxul = -200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200]
- Negative Trigrand Hugequaxul
- Negative Bigrand Hugequaxul
- Negative Grand Gigahugequaxul =
- Negative Grand Megahugequaxul =
- Negative Grand Kilohugequaxul =
- Negative Grand Hugequaxul =
- Negative Gigahugequaxul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200])4
- Negative Megahugequaxul =
- Negative Kilohugequaxul = -(200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200])![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Hugequaxul = -200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Dutetrated ogdacthulhum / ogdacthulhum-ipso-ogdacthulhum = -E100(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)100
- Negative Ogdacthulhum-ipso-godgahlah = -E100(#{6}#)^#^#100
- Negative Ogdacthulhufact = -E100(#{6}#)^#100
- Negative Ogdacthulhum / heptacthularxihect = -E100#{6}#100
- Negative Honiara = -E[13]Mentalize#{5}###^^#>#^#^^#>(#^^^^#)^^^(#^^^^#)>(#^#*#+#)(Hyper pectrol
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Hugetrixul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megahugetrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kilohugetrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Hugetrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megahugetrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Kilohugetrixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Hugetrixul = -200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Superior Bigrand Hugetrixul
- Negative Superior Grand Megahugetrixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kilohugetrixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Hugetrixul =
- Negative Superior Megahugetrixul =
- Negative Superior Kilohugetrixul = -(200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200])![200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200]
- Negative Superior Hugetrixul = -200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200,200]
- Negative Trigrand Hugetrixul
- Negative Bigrand Hugetrixul =
- Negative Grand Gigahugetrixul =
- Negative Grand Megahugetrixul =
- Negative Grand Kilohugetrixul =
- Negative Grand Hugetrixul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200(1)200])200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200]+1
- Negative Gigahugetrixul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200(1)200])4
- Negative Megahugetrixul =
- Negative Kilohugetrixul = -(200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200])![200(1)200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Hugetrixul = -200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Heptacthulhum / hexacthularxihect = -E100#{5}#100
- Negative Grand joe pellinger = -203^431,112,937#^^^^########^^^^######>#^#203,431,112,937#2
- Negative Joe pellinger = -203^431,112,937#^^^^########^^^^######>#^#203,431,112,937
- Negative Hexacthularxitri = -E100#^^^^#^^^^#100
- Negative Hexacthultope / hexacthulhecton = -E100#^^^^#^#100
- Negative Hexacthuliterhexon = -E100#^^^^(#^6)>#100
- Negative Hexacthulhexon = -E100(#^^^^#^6)100
- Negative Hexacthulcubor = -E100#^^^^###100
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Hugebixul
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megahugebixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kilohugebixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Hugebixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megahugebixul =
- Negative Bisuperior Kilohugebixul = -(200![200(1)200(1)200,200,200])![200(1)200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Bisuperior Hugebixul = -200![200(1)200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Hexacthulcross = -E100#^^^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated hexacthulhum = -E100#^^^^#>#^^^^#100
- Negative Superior Bigrand Hugebixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Megahugebixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kilohugebixul =
- Negative Superior Grand Hugebixul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200,200])200![200(1)200(1)200,200]+1
- Negative Superior Megahugebixul =
- Negative Superior Kilohugebixul = -(200![200(1)200(1)200,200])![200(1)200(1)200,200]
- Negative Superior Hugebixul = -200![200(1)200(1)200,200]
- Negative Hexacthuliterator = -E100#^^^^#>#100
- Negative Trigrand Hugebixul
- Negative Bigrand Hugebixul =
- Negative Grand Gigahugebixul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200])200(![200(1)200(1)200])4+1
- Negative Grand Megahugebixul =
- Negative Grand Kilohugebixul =
- Negative Grand Hugebixul = -200(![200(1)200(1)200])200![200(1)200(1)200]+1
- Negative Gigahugebixul =
- Negative Megahugebixul = -((200![200(1)200(1)200])![200(1)200(1)200])![200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Kilohugebixul = -(200![200(1)200(1)200])![200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Hugebixul = -200![200(1)200(1)200]
- Negative Hexacthulhum / pentacthularxihect = -E100#^^^^#100
- Negative Pentacthularxitri / pentacthulto-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#^^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulto-tethrathoth = -E100#^^^#^^#100
- Negative Pentacthultope / pentacthulhecton = -E100#^^^#^#100
- Negative Pentacthuldekon = -E100#^^^#^#10
- Negative Pentacthulennon = -E100#^^^#^#9
- Negative Pentacthul-ogdon = -E100#^^^#^#8
- Negative Pentacthulhepton = -E100#^^^#^#7
- Negative Pentacthulhexon = -E100#^^^#^#6
- Negative Pentacthulpeton = -E100#^^^#^#5
- Negative Pentacthulteron = -E100#^^^####100
- Negative Pentacthulcubor = -E100#^^^###100
- Negative Menger sponge = -20^3###^^^###3
- Negative Quettingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1030+1](10)
- Negative Ronningam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1027+1](10)
- Negative Yottingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1024+1](10)
- Negative Zettingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1021+1](10)
- Negative Exingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1018+1](10)
- Negative Petingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1015+1](10)
- Negative Teringam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1,000,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Gigingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Megingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1,000,001](10)
- Negative Kilingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[1001](10)
- Negative Bisuperior Trigrand Hugexul
- Negative Bisuperior Bigrand Hugexul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Gigahugexul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Megahugexul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Kilohugexul =
- Negative Bisuperior Grand Hugexul = -200(![200(1)200,200,200])200![200(1)200,200,200]+1
- Negative Bisuperior Gigahugexul =
- Negative Bisuperior Megahugexul = -((200![200(1)200,200,200])![200(1)200,200,200])![200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Bisuperior Kilohugexul = -(200![200(1)200,200,200])![200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Bisuperior Hugexul = -200![200(1)200,200,200]
- Negative Hektingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[101](10)
- Negative Pentacthulcross = -E100#^^^##100
- Negative Enenintastaculated-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^##90
- Negative Dekingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[11](10)
- Negative Nonigam = -fφ(1,1,0)(10)
- Negative Octingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[9](10)
- Negative Septingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[8](10)
- Negative Sextingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[7](10)
- Negative Quintingam = -fφ(1,1,0)[6](10)
- Negative Quadringam = -fφ(1,1,0)[5](10)
- Negative Tringam =
- Negative Bingam = -fΓΓΓ0(10)
- Negative Dustaculated-pentacthulum = -E100#^^^#>#^^^#100
- Negative Uningam = -fΓΓ0(10)
- Negative Tethratope-turreted-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#>#^^#^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-turreted-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-turreted-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#>#^#100
- Negative Superior Trigrand Hugexul =
- Negative Superior Bigrand Hugexul =
- Negative Superior Grand Gigahugexul =
- Negative Superior Grand Megahugexul =
- Negative Superior Grand Kilohugexul =
- Negative Superior Grand Hugexul = -200(![200(1)200,200])200![200(1)200,200]+1
- Negative Superior Gigahugexul =
- Negative Superior Megahugexul = -((200![200(1)200,200])![200(1)200,200])![200(1)200,200]
- Negative Superior Kilohugexul = -(200![200(1)200,200])![200(1)200,200]
- Negative Superior Hugexul = -200![200(1)200,200]
- Negative Pentacthulgriditerator = -E100#^^^#>##100
- Negative Pentacthulditerator = -E100#^^^#>(#+#)100
- Negative Grand pentacthuliterator / great and horrible pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#>#100#2
- Negative Quintgrand Hugexul
- Negative Quadgrand Hugexul =
- Negative Trigrand Megahugexul =
- Negative Trigrand Kilohugexul =
- Negative Trigrand Hugexul =
- Negative Bigrand Megahugexul =
- Negative Bigrand Kilohugexul =
- Negative Bigrand Hugexul = -200(![200(1)200])200(![200(1)200])200![200(1)200]+1+1
- Negative Grand Exahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])200(![200(1)200])7+1
- Negative Grand Petahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])200(![200(1)200])6+1
- Negative Grand Terahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])200(![200(1)200])5+1
- Negative Grand Gigahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])200(![200(1)200])4+1
- Negative Grand Megahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])((200![200(1)200])![200(1)200])![200(1)200]+1
- Negative Grand Kilohugexul = -200(![200(1)200])(200![200(1)200])![200(1)200]+1
- Negative Grand Hugexul = -200(![200(1)200])200![200(1)200]+1
- Negative Exahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])7
- Negative Petahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])6
- Negative Terahugexul = -200(![200(1)200])5
- Negative Gigahugexul = -(((200![200(1)200])![200(1)200])![200(1)200])![200(1)200]
- Negative Megahugexul = -((200![200(1)200])![200(1)200])![200(1)200]
- Negative Kilohugexul = -(200![200(1)200])![200(1)200]
- Negative Hugexul = -200![200(1)200]
- Negative Pentacthuliterator / pentacthulhum ba'al = -E100#^^^#>#100
- Negative Pentacthuldugon = -E100(#^^^#)^^^#100
- Negative Dupentated-pentacthulhum / pentacthulhutetripso-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#^^^#100
- Negative Terrible pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#100
- Negative Decatetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#10
- Negative Nonatetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#9
- Negative Octatetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#8
- Negative Septatetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#7
- Negative Sexatetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#6
- Negative Quinquatetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#5
- Negative Quadratetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^^#4
- Negative Tritetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)100
- Negative Dutetrated-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxideck = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)10
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxi-enn = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)9
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxi-ogd = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)8
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxihept = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)7
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxihex = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)6
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxipent = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)5
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxitet = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^#^^#^^#100 = E100(#^^^#)^(#^^^#)4
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrarxitri = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^#^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethratope = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^#)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethradekon = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^10)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrennon = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^9)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethra-ogdon = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^8)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrahepton = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^7)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^6)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^^#)^(#^^#^5)100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrateron = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^####100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethracubor = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^###100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethracross = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^##100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^^#)^#^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-godtothol = -E100(#^^^#)^#^#^#^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-godgathor = -E100(#^^^#)^#^#^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-ipso-godgahlah = -E100(#^^^#)^#^#100
- Negative Decicupentacthulhum = -E100((#^^^#)^#^10)100
- Negative Nonicupentacthulhum = -E100((#^^^#)^#^9)100
- Negative Octicupentacthulhum = -E100((#^^^#)^#^8)100
- Negative Septicupentacthulhum = -E100((#^^^#)^#^7)100
- Negative Sexticupentacthulhum = -E100((#^^^#)^#^6)100
- Negative Quinticupentacthulhum = -E100((#^^^#)^#^5)100
- Negative Quarticupentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^####100
- Negative Kubikupentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^###100
- Negative Quadratapentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^##100
- Negative Pentacthulhufact = -E100(#^^^#)^#100
- Negative Dekato-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#10
- Negative Ento-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#9
- Negative Ogdo-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#8
- Negative Epto-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#7
- Negative Exto-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#6
- Negative Pepto-pentacthulhum = -E100(#^^^#)^#5
- Negative Teterto-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#*#^^^#*#^^^#100 = E100(#^^^#)^#4
- Negative Trito-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#*#^^^#100
- Negative Deutero-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxideck = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#10
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxi-enn = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#9
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxi-ogd = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#8
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxihept = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#7
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxihex = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#6
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxipent = -E100#^^^#*#^^^#5
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxitet = -E100#^^^#*#^^#^^#^^#100 = E100#^^^#*#^^^#4
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrarxitri = -E100#^^^#*#^^#^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethratope = -E100#^^^#*#^^#^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrateron = -E100#^^^#*#^^####100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethracubor = -E100#^^^#*#^^###100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethracross = -E100#^^^#*#^^##100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-dustaculated-tethrathorh = -E100#^^^#*#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethriterator = -E100#^^^#*#^^#>#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-Trihemoth-Giant = -E100#^^^#*(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-territerritethrathoth = -E100#^^^#*((#^^#)^^#)^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-Behemoth-Giant = -E100#^^^#*(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-territethrathoth = -E100#^^^#*(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-Monster-Giant = -E100#^^^#*(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-tethrathoth = -E100#^^^#*#^^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-godtothol = -E100#^^^#*#^#^#^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-godgathor = -E100#^^^#*#^#^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-quarticahlah = -E100#^^^#*#^####100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-kubikahlah = -E100#^^^#*#^###100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-gridgahlah = -E100#^^^#*#^##100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-godgahlah = -E100#^^^#*#^#100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-trito-hyperion = -E100#^^^#*###100 = E100#^^^#*#^#3
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-deutero-hyperion = -E100#^^^#*##100
- Negative Pentacthulhum-by-hyperion = -E100#^^^#*#100
- Negative Pentacthulhudeck = -E100#^^^#*#10
- Negative Pentacthulhuenn = -E100#^^^#*#9
- Negative Pentacthulhuogd = -E100#^^^#*#8
- Negative Pentacthulhuhept = -E100#^^^#*#7
- Negative Pentacthulhuhex = -E100#^^^#*#6
- Negative Pentacthulhupent = -E100#^^^#*#5
- Negative Pentacthulhutet = -E100#^^^#100#^^^#100#^^^#100 = E100#^^^#*#4
- Negative Pentacthulhutri/Pentacthulhum-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^^#100
- Negative Tethrarxitet-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^#^^#^^#100
- Negative Tethrarxitri-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^#^^#100
- Negative Tethratope-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^#^#100
- Negative Tethracubor-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^##100
- Negative Tethraterfact-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100(#^^#>#)^#100
- Negative Tethriterhecate-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^#>#*#100
- Negative Tethriterator-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Territerritethrathoth-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100((#^^#)^^#)^^#100
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster Giant-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^^#100
- Negative Godgathor-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^#^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#^#100
- Negative Teroogol-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100####100
- Negative Throogol-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100###100
- Negative Gugold-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100##100
- Negative Gigangol-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#100#100#100
- Negative Greagol-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#100#100
- Negative Grangol-carta-pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#100
- Negative Decuple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#11
- Negative Nonuple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#10
- Negative Octuple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#9
- Negative Septuple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#8
- Negative Sextuple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#7
- Negative Quintuple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#6
- Negative Quadruple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#5
- Negative Triple grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#4
- Negative Grand grand pentacthulhum = -E100#^^^#100#3
- Negative Grand pentacthulhum / grand tethrarxihect / tethrarxitethrarxihect = -E100#^^^#100#2
- Negative Tethrarxigrangliad = -E100#^^^#(E100#100)
- Negative Tethrarxigoogliad = -E100#^^^#(10100)
- Negative Quettinphi = -fΓ0[1030+1](10)
- Negative Ronninphi = -fΓ0[1027+1](10)
- Negative Yottinphi = -fΓ0[1024+1](10)
- Negative Zettinphi = -fΓ0[1021+1](10)
- Negative Exinphi = -fΓ0[1018+1](10)
- Negative Tethrarxi-sedeniad = -E100#^^^#1016
- Negative Petinphi = -fΓ0[1015+1](10)
- Negative Terinphi = -fΓ0[1,000,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Great Wall = -E100#^^#^^#>#^^#^^#>#^^#^^#>...#^^#^^#>#^^#^^#100 (with 10,000,000,000 #^^#^^#'s)
- Negative Giginphi = -fΓ0[1,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Tethrarxi-octad = -E100#^^^#100,000,000
- Negative Meginphi = -fΓ0[1,000,001](10)
- Negative Pentacthulugong = -E100,000#^^^#100,000
- Negative Tethrarxigong = -E100#^^^#100,000
- Negative Tethrarximyr = -E100#^^^#10,000
- Negative Kilinphi = -fΓ0[1001](10)
- Negative Tethrarxichill = -E100#^^^#1000
- Negative Tethrarxigigas = -E100#^^^#500
- Negative Hektinphi = -fΓ0[101](10)
- Negative Onii-chan-Giant = -E100#^^#^#^^#^#^^#^ ... #^^#^#100 (100 #^^#'s)
- Negative Pentacthulhum / tethrarxihect = -E100#^^^#100
- Negative Tethrarxi-enenine = -E100#^^^#90
- Negative Tethrarxi-ogdone = -E100#^^^#80
- Negative Tethrarxi-ebdomine = -E100#^^^#70
- Negative Tethrarxi-exine = -E100#^^^#60
- Negative Tethrarxipenine / tethrarxigole = -E100#^^^#50
- Negative Tethrarxisarane = -E100#^^^#40
- Negative Tethrarxitriane = -E100#^^^#30
- Negative Tethrarxicose = -E100#^^^#20
- Negative Dekinphi = -fΓ0[11](10)
- Negative Tethrarxideck = -E100#^^^#10
- Negative Noninphi / Unexommthet = -fΓ0(10)
- Negative Tethrarxi-enn = -E100#^^^#9
- Negative Tethrarxi-ogd = -E100#^^^#8
- Negative Septinphi = -fΓ0[8](10)
- Negative Tethrarxihept = -E100#^^^#7
- Negative Sextinphi = -fΓ0[7](10)
- Negative Quintinphi = -fΓ0[6](10)
- Negative Quadrinphi = -fφ(φ(φ(φ(φ(1,0),0),0),0))(10)
- Negative Trinphi = -fφ(φ(φ(φ(1,0),0),0))(10)
- Negative Brother-Giant / Cintaur = -E100#^^#^#^^#^#100
- Negative Tethrato-tethrathoth-by-godgahlah-propinquus = -E100#^^(#^^#*#^#)100
- Negative Hectastaculated-tethrato-tethrathoth / tethrato-tethrathoth-by-hyperion-propinquus =
- Negative Tethrato-tethrathoth / tethrarxitri = -E100#^^#^^#100
- Negative Binphi = -fφ(φ(1,0),0))(10)
- Negative Tethrato-godheptol = -E100#^^#^^#8
- Negative Tethrato-godhathor = -E100#^^#^^#7
- Negative Tethrato-godtopol = -E100#^^#^^#6
- Negative Tethrato-godtertol = -E100#^^#^^#5
- Negative Tethrato-godtothol = -E100#^^#^#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrato-godgathor = -E100#^^#^#^#100
- Negative Juice infused DLMAN = -17[1 {186 (/44) 416} 2]592 = 17[1 {196 `44` 416} 2]592
- Negative Tethralattitopotope = -E100#^^(#^##*#^#)100
- Negative Even More Godder Tritri = -3 [3 {3 /// 3} 3] 3
- Negative Tethralattitope = -E100#^^#^##100
- Negative Tethratopotruce = -E100#^^(#^#*#^#*#^#)100
- Negative Tethratopodeus = -E100#^^(#^#*#^#)100
- Negative Tethratopocross = -E100#^^(#^#*##)100
- Negative Tethratopothoth = -E100#^^(#^#*#)100
- Negative Dustaculated-tethratope = -E100#^^(#^#)>#^^(#^#)100
- Negative Tethritertope = -E100#^^(#^#)>#100
- Negative Dustaculated-territethratope = -E100(#^^#^#)^^#>(#^^#^#)^^#100
- Negative Hecato-tethratope / tethratopofact = -E100(#^^#^#)^#100
- Negative Deutero-tethratope = -E100#^^#^#*#^^#^#100
- Negative Grand tethratope = -E100#^^#^#100#2
- Negative Quettophi = -fφ(1030,0)(10)
- Negative Ronnophi = -fφ(1027,0)(10)
- Negative Yottophi = -fφ(1024,0)(10)
- Negative Zettophi = -fφ(1021,0)(10)
- Negative Exophi = -fφ(1018,0)(10)
- Negative Petophi = -fφ(1015,0)(10)
- Negative Terophi = -fφ(1,000,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Gigophi = -fφ(1,000,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Megophi = -fφ(1,000,000,0)(10)
- Negative Kilophi = -fφ(1000,0)(10)
- Negative Deutero-tethrahecton = -E100#^^#^(100)*#^^#^(100)100
- Negative Tethratope / tethrahecton / tethratopos = -E100#^^#^#100
- Negative Hektophi = -fφ(100,0)(10)
- Negative Teterto-tethradekon = -E100#^^#^(10)*#^^#^(10)*#^^#^(10)*#^^#^(10)100
- Negative Deutero-tethradekon = -E100#^^#^(10)*#^^#^(10)100
- Negative Grand tethradekon = -E100#^^#^(10)100#2
- Negative Tethradekon = -E100#^^#^#10
- Negative Dekophi / omphi = -fφ(ω,0)(10)
- Negative Tethradu-ennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^#^(9)100
- Negative Two-ex-terriocterated-tethrennon = -E100((#^^#^9)^^#^8)^^#^(8)100
- Negative Terriocterated-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^########100
- Negative Terrihepterated-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^#######100
- Negative Terrihexerated-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^######100
- Negative Terripenterated-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^#####100
- Negative Territesserated-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^####100
- Negative Terricubed-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^###100
- Negative Terrisquared-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated-territethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^#>(#^^#^9)^^#100
- Negative Territerated tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^#>#100
- Negative Terrible tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^^#100
- Negative Dutetrated-tethrennon = -E100(#^^#^9)^(#^^#^9)100
- Negative Tethrennonifact = -E100(#^^#^9)^#100
- Negative Teterto-tethrennon = -E100#^^#^(9)*#^^#^(9)*#^^#^(9)*#^^#^(9)100
- Negative Deutero-tethrennon = -E100#^^#^(9)*#^^#^(9)100
- Negative Tethrennon-by-deuteron = -E100#^^#^(9)100#^^#^(9)100
- Negative Grangol-carta-tethrennon = -E100#^^#^(9)100#100
- Negative Grand tethrennon = -E100#^^#^(9)100#2
- Negative Tethrennon = -E100#^^#^#9
- Negative Noniphi = -fφ(9,0)(10)
- Negative Ogdo-tethra-ogdon = -E100(#^^#^8)^#8
- Negative Teterto-tethra-ogdon = -E100#^^#^(8)*#^^#^(8)*#^^#^(8)*#^^#^(8)100
- Negative Trito-tethra-ogdon = -E100#^^#^(8)*#^^#^(8)*#^^#^(8)100
- Negative Deutero-tethra-ogdon = -E100#^^#^(8)*#^^#^(8)100
- Negative Tethra-ogdon = -E100#^^#^#8
- Negative Dekastaculated-tethrahepton = -E100#^^(#^8)10
- Negative Octiphi = -fφ(8,0)(10)
- Negative Terrible tethrahepton = -E100(#^^#^7)^^#100
- Negative Tethraheptonifact = -E100(#^^#^7)^#100
- Negative Ento-tethrahepton = -E100(#^^#^7)^#9
- Negative Ogdo-tethrahepton = -E100(#^^#^7)^#8
- Negative Pepto-tethrahepton = -E100(#^^#^7)^#5
- Negative Teterto-tethrahepton = -E100(#^^#^7)^#4
- Negative Trito-tethrahepton = -E100#^^#^(7)*#^^#^(7)*#^^#^(7)100
- Negative Deutero-tethrahepton = -E100#^^#^(7)*#^^#^(7)100
- Negative Tethrahepton-by-hyperion = -E100(#^^#^7)*#100
- Negative Tethrahepton-by-deuteron = -E100#^^#^(7)100#^^#^(7)100
- Negative Grangol-carta-tethrahepton = -E100#^^#^(7)100#100
- Negative Grand tethrahepton = -E100#^^#^(7)100#2
- Negative Tethrahepton = -E100#^^#^#7
- Negative Dekastaculated-tethrahexon = -E100#^^(#^7)10
- Negative Septiphi = -fφ(7,0)(10)
- Negative Dustaculated-tethrahexon / tethrahexon-turreted-tethrahexon = -E100#^^(#^6)>#^^(#^6)100
- Negative Ennastaculated-territesserated-tethrahexon = -E100((#^^#^6)^^#^5)9
- Negative Ennastaculated-terricubed-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^####9
- Negative Ennastaculated-terrisquared-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^###9
- Negative Dustaculated-terrisquared-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^##>(#^^#^6)^^##100
- Negative Terrisquared-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated-territethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#>(#^^#^6)^^#100
- Negative Territerated tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#>#100
- Negative Four-ex-terrible tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#>#4
- Negative Three-ex-terrible tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#>#3
- Negative Terrible terrible tethrahexon = -E100((#^^#^6)^^#)^^#100
- Negative Terrible tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#100
- Negative Decatetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#10
- Negative Nonatetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#9
- Negative Octatetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#8
- Negative Septatetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#7
- Negative Sexatetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#6
- Negative Quinquatetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#5
- Negative Quadratetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^^#4
- Negative Tritetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^(#^^#^6)^(#^^#^6)100
- Negative Dutetrated-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^(#^^#^6)100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^6)^(#^^#^5)100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-tethrateron = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^^####100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-tethracubor = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^^###100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-tethracross = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^^##100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^^#100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-godtothol = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-godgathor = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrahexon-ipso-godgahlah = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#100
- Negative Decicutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#10
- Negative Nonicutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#9
- Negative Octicutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#8
- Negative Septicutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#7
- Negative Sexticutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#6
- Negative Quinticutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#^#5
- Negative Quarticutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^####100
- Negative Kubikutethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^###100
- Negative Quadratatethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^##100
- Negative Tethrahexonifact = -E100(#^^#^6)^#100
- Negative Dekato-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#10
- Negative Ento-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#9
- Negative Ogdo-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#8
- Negative Epto-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#7
- Negative Exto-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#6
- Negative Pepto-tethrahexon = -E100(#^^#^6)^#5
- Negative Teterto-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)*#^^#^(6)*#^^#^(6)*#^^#^(6)100
- Negative Trito-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)*#^^#^(6)*#^^#^(6)100
- Negative Deutero-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)*#^^#^(6)100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^6)*(#^^#^5)100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-tethrateron = -E100(#^^#^6)*#^^####100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-tethracubor = -E100(#^^#^6)*#^^###100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-tethracross = -E100(#^^#^6)*#^^##100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^#^6)*#^^#100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-godgahlah = -E100(#^^#^6)*#^#100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-hyperion = -E100(#^^#^6)*#100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-dekaton = -E100(#^^#^6)*#11
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-enton = -E100(#^^#^6)*#10
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-ogdon = -E100(#^^#^6)*#9
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-epton = -E100(#^^#^6)*#8
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-exton = -E100(#^^#^6)*#7
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-pepton = -E100(#^^#^6)*#6
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-teterton = -E100(#^^#^6)*#5
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-triton = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^#^(6)100#^^#^(6)100
- Negative Tethrahexon-by-deuteron = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^#^(6)100
- Negative Tethrapeton-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethrateron-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^##100
- Negative Tethrathoth-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#^#100
- Negative Grand grangol-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#100#2
- Negative Grangol-carta-tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#100
- Negative Grand tethrahexon = -E100#^^#^(6)100#2
- Negative Tethrahexon / tethrahexeract = -E100#^^#^#6
- Negative Enenintastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)90
- Negative Ogdontastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)80
- Negative Ebdomintastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)70
- Negative Exintastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)60
- Negative Penintastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)50
- Negative Sarantastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)40
- Negative Triantastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)30
- Negative Icosastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)20
- Negative Dekastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)10
- Negative Sextiphi = -fφ(6,0)(10)
- Negative Ennastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)9
- Negative Octastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)8
- Negative Heptastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)7
- Negative Hexastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)6
- Negative Pentastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(6)5
- Negative Tetrastaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^(#^5)>#^^(#^5)>#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tristaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^(#^5)>#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Dustaculated-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethrateron-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^##100
- Negative Dustacultethrathoth-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Territerritethrathoth-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^#>#3
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-turreted-tethrapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#^#100
- Negative Tethriterpeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#100
- Negative Tethra-icosapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#20
- Negative Tethradodekapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#12
- Negative Tethra-endekapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#11
- Negative Tethradekapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#10
- Negative Tethra-ennapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#9
- Negative Tethra-octapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#8
- Negative Tethraheptapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#7
- Negative Tethrahexapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#6
- Negative Tethrapentapeton = -E100#^^(#^5)>#5
- Negative Tethratetrapeton = -E100(((#^^#^5)^^#^5)^^#^5)^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethratripeton = -E100((#^^#^5)^^#^5)^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethradupeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#^(5)100
- Negative Dustaculated-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>(#^^#^5)^^####100
- Negative Tethritertesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#100
- Negative Ten-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#10
- Negative Nine-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#9
- Negative Eight-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#8
- Negative Seven-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#7
- Negative Six-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#6
- Negative Five-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#5
- Negative Four-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#4
- Negative Three-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####>#3
- Negative Two-ex-territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100((#^^#^5)^^####)^^####100
- Negative Territesserated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^####100
- Negative Dustaculated-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>(#^^#^5)^^###100
- Negative Tethritercubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#100
- Negative Ten-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#10
- Negative Nine-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#9
- Negative Eight-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#8
- Negative Seven-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#7
- Negative Six-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#6
- Negative Five-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#5
- Negative Four-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#4
- Negative Three-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###>#3
- Negative Two-ex-terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100((#^^#^5)^^###)^^###100
- Negative Terricubed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^###100
- Negative Dustaculated-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>(#^^#^5)^^##100
- Negative Tethritercrossed-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#100
- Negative Ten-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#10
- Negative Nine-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#9
- Negative Eight-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#8
- Negative Seven-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#7
- Negative Six-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#6
- Negative Five-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#5
- Negative Four-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#4
- Negative Three-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##>#3
- Negative Two-ex-terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100((#^^#^5)^^##)^^##100
- Negative Terrisquared-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated-territethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>(#^^#^5)^^#100
- Negative Territerated tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#100
- Negative Ten-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#10
- Negative Nine-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#9
- Negative Eight-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#8
- Negative Seven-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#7
- Negative Six-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#6
- Negative Five-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#5
- Negative Four-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#4
- Negative Three-ex-terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#>#3
- Negative Terrible terrible tethrapeton = -E100((#^^#^5)^^#)^^#100
- Negative Terrible tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#100
- Negative Decatetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#10
- Negative Nonatetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#9
- Negative Octatetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#8
- Negative Septatetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#7
- Negative Sexatetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#6
- Negative Quintatetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#5
- Negative Quadratetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^^#4
- Negative Tritetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^(#^^#^5)^(#^^#^5)100
- Negative Dutetrated-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^(#^^#^5)100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-tethrateron = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^####100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-tethracubor = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^###100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-tethracross = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^##100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-dustaculated-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-tethriterator = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^#>#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-Trihemoth-Giant = -E100(#^^#^5)^(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-terrible-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^#>#3
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-Behemoth-Giant = -E100(#^^#^5)^(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^#^5)^(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-Monster-Giant = -E100(#^^#^5)^(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-ipso-godgahlah = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#100
- Negative Decicutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#10
- Negative Nonicutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#9
- Negative Octicutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#8
- Negative Septicutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#7
- Negative Sexticutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#6
- Negative Quinticutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#^#5
- Negative Quarticutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^####100
- Negative Kubikutethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^###100
- Negative Quadratatethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^##100
- Negative Tethrapetonifact = -E100(#^^#^5)^#100
- Negative Eneninto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#90
- Negative Ogdonto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#80
- Negative Ebdominto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#70
- Negative Exinto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#60
- Negative Peninto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#50
- Negative Saranto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#40
- Negative Trianto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#30
- Negative Isosto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#20
- Negative Dekato-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#10
- Negative Ento-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#9
- Negative Ogdo-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#8
- Negative Epto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#7
- Negative Exto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#6
- Negative Pepto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#5
- Negative Teterto-tethrapeton = -E100(#^^#^5)^#4
- Negative Trito-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^#^(5)*#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Deutero-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-tethrateron = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^####100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-tethracubor = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^###100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-tethracross = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^##100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-dustaculated-tethrathoth = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-tethriterator = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^#>#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-Trihemoth-Giant = -E100#^^#^(5)*(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-terrible-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^#>#3
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-Behemoth-Giant = -E100#^^#^(5)*(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100#^^#^(5)*(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-Monster-Giant = -E100#^^#^(5)*(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-tethrathoth = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-godgahlah = -E100#^^#^(5)*#^#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-hyperion = -E100#^^#^(5)*#100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-dekaton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#11
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-enton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#10
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-ogdon = -E100#^^#^(5)*#9
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-epton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#8
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-exton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#7
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-pepton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#6
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-teterton = -E100#^^#^(5)*#5
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-triton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^#^(5)100#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethrapeton-by-deuteron = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^#^(5)100
- Negative Tethrateron-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^##100
- Negative Dustacultethrathoth-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Territerritethrathoth-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^#>#3
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#^#100
- Negative Grand grangol-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#100#2
- Negative Grangol-carta-tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#100
- Negative Grand tethrapeton = -E100#^^#^(5)100#2
- Negative Tethrapeton / tethrapenteract = -E100#^^#^#5
- Negative Enenintastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####90
- Negative Ogdontastaculated-tethrateron = -E10f0#^^#####80
- Negative Ebdomintastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####70
- Negative Exintastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####60
- Negative Penintastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####50
- Negative Sarantastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####40
- Negative Triantastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####30
- Negative Icosastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####20
- Negative Dekastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####10
- Negative Quintiphi = -fφ(5,0)(10)
- Negative Ennastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####9
- Negative Octastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####8
- Negative Heptastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####7
- Negative Hexastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####6
- Negative Pentastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####5
- Negative Tetrastaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^#####4
- Negative Tristaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^####>#^^####100
- Negative Dustaculated-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^##100
- Negative Dustacultethrathoth-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Territerritethrathoth-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^#>#3
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^^#100
- Negative Godtothol-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^#^#^#100
- Negative Godgathor-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^#^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-turreted-tethrateron = -E100#^^####>#^#100
- Negative Tethra-hectateron / tethriterteron = -E100#^^####>#100
- Negative Tethra-icosateron = -E100#^^####>#20
- Negative Tethradodekateron = -E100#^^####>#12
- Negative Tethra-endekateron = -E100#^^####>#11
- Negative Tethradekateron = -E100#^^####>#10
- Negative Tethra-ennateron = -E100#^^####>#9
- Negative Tethra-octateron = -E100#^^####>#8
- Negative Tethraheptateron = -E100#^^####>#7
- Negative Tethrahexateron = -E100#^^####>#6
- Negative Tethrapentateron = -E100#^^####>#5
- Negative Tethratetrateron = -E100#^^####>#4
- Negative Tethratriteron = -E100((#^^####)^^####)^^####100
- Negative Tethraduteron = -E100(#^^####)^^####100
- Negative Dekastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####10
- Negative Ennastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####9
- Negative Octastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####8
- Negative Heptastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####7
- Negative Hexastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####6
- Negative Pentastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####5
- Negative Tetrastaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####4
- Negative Tristaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^####3
- Negative Dustaculated-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>(#^^####)^^###100
- Negative Tethrateron-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^##100
- Negative Dustacultethrathoth-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Territerritethrathoth-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^#>#3
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^^#100
- Negative Godtothol-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^#^#^#100
- Negative Godgathor-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^#^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-turreted-terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#^#100
- Negative Centuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#100
- Negative Decuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#10
- Negative Nonuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#9
- Negative Octuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#8
- Negative Septuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#7
- Negative Sextuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#6
- Negative Quintuple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#5
- Negative Quadruple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#4
- Negative Triple terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###>#3
- Negative Double terricubed-tethrateron = -E100((#^^####)^^###)^^###100
- Negative Terricubed-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###100
- Negative Dekastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###10
- Negative Ennastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###9
- Negative Octastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###8
- Negative Heptastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###7
- Negative Hexastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###6
- Negative Pentastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###5
- Negative Tetrastaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###4
- Negative Tristaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^###3
- Negative Dustaculated-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>(#^^####)^^##100
- Negative Tethrateron-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^^##100
- Negative Dustacultethrathoth-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^^#>#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^^#100
- Negative Godtothol-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^#^#^#100
- Negative Godgathor-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^#^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-turreted-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#^#100
- Negative Centuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#100
- Negative Decuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#10
- Negative Nonuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#9
- Negative Octuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#8
- Negative Septuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#7
- Negative Sextuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#6
- Negative Quintuple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#5
- Negative Quadruple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##>#4
- Negative Triple terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(((#^^####)^^##)^^##)^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated-terrible-double-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(((#^^####)^^##)^^##)^^##2
- Negative Terrible double terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(((#^^####)^^##)^^##)^^#100
- Negative Double terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100((#^^####)^^##)^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated-terrible-terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100((#^^####)^^##)^^#>((#^^####)^^##)^^#100
- Negative Terrible terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100((#^^####)^^##)^^#100
- Negative Terrisquared-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##100
- Negative Dekastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##10
- Negative Ennastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##9
- Negative Octastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##8
- Negative Heptastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##7
- Negative Hexastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##6
- Negative Pentastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##5
- Negative Tetrastaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##4
- Negative Tristaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^##3
- Negative Dustaculated-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#^^####)^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^##100
- Negative Dustacultethrathoth-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Territerritethrathoth-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^#>#3
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Territethrathoth-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Godtothol-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^#^#^#100
- Negative Godgathor-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^#^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-turreted-territethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#^#100
- Negative Terriquarticulated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>####100
- Negative Terricubiculated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>###100
- Negative Terrigriditerated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>##100
- Negative Territriterated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#+#+#)100
- Negative Terriditerated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>(#+#)100
- Negative Territerated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#100
- Negative Ten-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#10
- Negative Nine-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#9
- Negative Eight-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#8
- Negative Seven-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#7
- Negative Six-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#6
- Negative Five-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#5
- Negative Four-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#4
- Negative Three-ex-terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#>#3
- Negative Terrible terrible tethrateron = -E100((#^^####)^^#)^^#100
- Negative Terrible tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#100
- Negative Decatetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#10
- Negative Nonatetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#9
- Negative Octatetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#8
- Negative Septatetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#7
- Negative Sexatetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#6
- Negative Quinquatetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#5
- Negative Quadratetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^^#4
- Negative Tritetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^(#^^####)^(#^^####)100
- Negative Dutetrated-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^(#^^####)100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-tethracubor = -E100(#^^####)^#^^###100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-tethracross = -E100(#^^####)^#^^##100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-dustaculated-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^####)^#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-tethriterator = -E100(#^^####)^#^^#>#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-Trihemoth-Giant = -E100(#^^####)^(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-terrible-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^####)^#^^#>#3
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-Behemoth-Giant = -E100(#^^####)^(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^####)^(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-Monster-Giant = -E100(#^^####)^(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-tethrathoth = -E100(#^^####)^#^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-godtothol = -E100(#^^####)^#^#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-godgathor = -E100(#^^####)^#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-ad-godgahlah = -E100(#^^####)^#^#100
- Negative Decicutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#^#10
- Negative Nonicutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#^#9
- Negative Octicutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#^#8
- Negative Septicutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#^#7
- Negative Sexticutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#^#6
- Negative Quinticutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#^#5
- Negative Quarticutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^####100
- Negative Kubicutethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^###100
- Negative Grideutertethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^##100
- Negative Tethrateronifact = -E100(#^^####)^#100
- Negative Eneninto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#90
- Negative Ogdonto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#80
- Negative Ebdominto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#70
- Negative Exinto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#60
- Negative Peninto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#50
- Negative Saranto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#40
- Negative Trianto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#30
- Negative Isosto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#20
- Negative Dekato-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#10
- Negative Ento-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#9
- Negative Ogdo-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#8
- Negative Epto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#7
- Negative Exto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#6
- Negative Pepto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#5
- Negative Teterto-tethrateron = -E100(#^^####)^#4
- Negative Trito-tethrateron = -E100#^^####*#^^####*#^^####100
- Negative Deutero-tethrateron = -E100#^^####*#^^####100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-tethracubor = -E100#^^####*#^^###100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-tethracross = -E100#^^####*#^^##100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-dustaculated-tethrathoth = -E100#^^####*#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-tethriterator = -E100#^^####*#^^#>#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-Trihemoth-Giant = -E100#^^####*(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-terrible-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100#^^####*#^^#>#3
- Negative Tethrateron-by-Behemoth-Giant = -E100#^^####*(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-terrible-tethrathoth = -E100#^^####*(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-Monster-Giant = -E100#^^####*(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-tethrathoth = -E100#^^####*#^^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-godtothol = -E100#^^####*#^#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-godgathor = -E100#^^####*#^#^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-godgahlah = -E100#^^####*#^#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-hyperion = -E100#^^####*#100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-dekaton = -E100#^^####*#11
- Negative Tethrateron-by-enton = -E100#^^####*#10
- Negative Tethrateron-by-ogdon = -E100#^^####*#9
- Negative Tethrateron-by-epton = -E100#^^####*#8
- Negative Tethrateron-by-exton = -E100#^^####*#7
- Negative Tethrateron-by-pepton = -E100#^^####*#6
- Negative Tethrateron-by-teterton = -E100#^^####*#5
- Negative Tethrateron-by-triton = -E100#^^####100#^^####100#^^####100
- Negative Tethrateron-by-deuteron = -E100#^^####100#^^####100
- Negative Tethracubor-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^^###100
- Negative Tethracross-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^^##100
- Negative Dustaculated-tethrathoth-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^^#>#^^#100
- Negative Tethriterator-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^^#>#100
- Negative Trihemoth-Giant-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100(#^^#>3)^(#^^#>3)^#100
- Negative Terrible-terrible-tethrathoth-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^^#>#3
- Negative Behemoth-Giant-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100(#^^#>2)^(#^^#>2)^#100
- Negative Terrible-tethrathoth-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100(#^^#)^^#100
- Negative Monster-Giant-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
- Negative Tethrathoth-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^^#100
- Negative Godtothol-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^#^#^#100
- Negative Godgathor-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^#^#100
- Negative Godgahlah-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#^#100
- Negative Grand grangol-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#100#2
- Negative Grangol-carta-tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#100
- Negative Grand tethrateron = -E100#^^####100#2
- Negative Quettinet = -fφ(4,0)[1030 + 1](10)
- Negative Ronninet = -fφ(4,0)[1027 + 1](10)
- Negative Yottinet = -fφ(4,0)[1024 + 1](10)
- Negative Zettinet = -fφ(4,0)[1021 + 1](10)
- Negative Exinet = -fφ(4,0)[1018 + 1](10)
- Negative Petinet = -fφ(4,0)[1015 + 1](10)
- Negative Terinet = -fφ(4,0)[1,000,000,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Giginet = -fφ(4,0)[1,000,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Meginet = -fφ(4,0)[1,000,000,001](10)
- Negative Kilinet = -fφ(4,0)[1001](10)
- Negative Hektinet = -fφ(4,0)[101](10)
- Negative Tethrateron / tethratesseract / tethraterror = -E100#^^####100
- Negative Enenintastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####90
- Negative Ogdontastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####80
- Negative Ebdomintastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####70
- Negative Exintastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####60
- Negative Penintastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####50
- Negative Sarantastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####40
- Negative Triantastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####30
- Negative Icosastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####20
- Negative Dekinet = -fφ(4,0)[11](10)
- Negative Dekastaculated-tethracubor = -E100#^^####10
- Negative Noninet / quadriphi = -fφ(4,0)[11](10)